A Family Reunion
is a time to remember,
a time to laugh,
a time to celebrate....
a time to share old stories
and make new memories.
A time to see each other
in the faces all around us
and find reflections of ourselves
in hearts both young and old.
A reunion is a coming together
that strengthens the bond of family
and reminds us of the gift
of belonging.
A chance to share our history.
A reason to celebrate our past.
A time to welcome our future...
as a family.
Our Ancestors
Help us find our ancestors and hydrate this family tree. Our tree has been flourished and blessed with many more branches and new leaves. Our family grew fast over the past years since last reunion. We need to get it updated and It's time to bring it back to life. Let's work as a family and rebuild our tree with information on our ancestors. I will send another document you can click on and enter the information. I was told that my Tutu Elizabeth "Akala" have 15 or 16 siblings and I have no idea where to start. HELP! email me your knowledge to make this tree full again. All comments can be texted or emailed and I will update the document.I will update for all to see.
We appreciate any photos you can share with us. Email it to me and I can share on the website in the Memories section.
We are the Hoopii Ohana, a family with a rich history and deep roots in Hawaii. Our ancestors have passed down stories and traditions for generations, and it's our mission to keep them alive. Our family reunion is a time to celebrate our heritage and create new memories for future generations.
We will have a "Meet and Greet" for anyone arriving Thursday. We will host with a potluck at the neighborhood center @ 6pm and will open early registration at that time.
10am Registration@ Kekaha Neighborhood Center
12 noon "Lunch"
Arts and Crafts, Haku making
Family Tree
Podogee Horseshoe tournament
Thrownet competition
More activities to do........
Dinner at 6pm
11am Kickball and Volleyball tournament @ Kekaha Gardens Park
Water slides for the children
1pm "Lunch"
1:45pm Continue and finish up tournament
3pm End afternoon activities "Rest Up"
5pm Group Photo Session at KNHC
6pm Luau Begins with entertainment and open mic
We ask if off island can provide deserts
11pm All Pau
This will be the last day for us to be together before we bid farewell to everyone as we depart to go home safely and its no better way than to end this weekend with a prayer service as a family. Remember,
"a family that prays together, sticks together"
10am - 11am Prayer service
11am - 1pm "Brunch"
1pm - 2pm "Majesty" and "Hawaii Aloha"
Browse through our family photo album and relive some of our favorite moments from past reunions.